August 26, 2010

Research show Fluoride Makes a Difference

Dr. Glenn Hemberger, Pediatric Dentist, in Olathe talks about the importance of fluoride for your children's teeth. If you would like more information on what you can do please give our office a call 785-242-4875.

June 10, 2010

How long should I whiten?

Most people whiten for about two weeks. Sometimes it happens faster, and resistant cases can take as long as a year. Don't give up, with time you'll see change. Extra tubes of whitening solution cost ten dollars each.

May 27, 2010


It can be confusing to whiten your teeth, there are three basic ways to do it.
  1. Over the counter products such as "Crest White Strips". This is fine, but the concentration is low and it takes a long time to notice a difference.
  2. Procedures done in a dental office such as "Zoom". It works, but independent research has shown this to have the same effectiveness as custom take home trays. This is the most expensive option and you are usually sent home with trays to use as well. We feel that this in office treatment dries out the teeth and make them temporally whiter, but the trays do the real work.
  3. Custom Take Home Trays. This is what we recommend. We take impressions of your teeth and make custom trays that fit your teeth. You put a gel in the trays and wear the trays for 90 minutes when it is convenient in your busy schedule. It works well, is easy to do, and allows you to touch up your smile whenever you want.

Please call the office at 785-242-4875, if you are interested in whitening your teeth or have any questions.

May 26, 2010

Gum Disease (Periodontal Disease

Gum disease (periodontal disease) can usually be prevented by brushing, flossing, and regular professional cleanings. Of course, these will help a person keep their teeth but did you know that it will also reduce their risk of heart disease? This article discusses the relationship between periodontal disease and heart disease.

May 4, 2010

Happy Birthday Dr. Burks

Today we celebrated Dr. Burks' Birthday. The staff brought in treats to enjoy and we even got him a new tractor, sorry it's a little small.

April 8, 2010

Dental Seminar

Th entire office attended a Continuing Education Seminar in Kansas City on Wednesday. It was an enjoyable time and we learned a lot of valuable information.

Check out more of our photos from the meeting on Facebook.

March 10, 2010

We are wishing the very best of luck to Stuart and Wyatt W. during the mission trip to Pucallpa Peru! Hope the trip is a safe one and that everyone there enjoys all the dental goodies. The office is excited for their return and can't wait to see the pictures.